Privacy Policy

At Warwick Schools Foundation (WSF) we take great care to protect your personal information. When making a booking with us, you will be added to our customer database: your details will be held securely and will only be used to provide the best possible sports camp experience for your child, and to ensure that your child is safe within our care. Your personal details will be used to contact you in case of emergency, and your child’s details (e.g., name, age, and medical information) will only be passed on to the relevant individual(s)

To reflect recent changes to data protection law arising from the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we will keep your contact information on our database, and we may email from time to time with relevant information regarding future sports camps. Should you wish to not be informed, please notify us by emailing: you have any questions regarding how your data is held or used, do not hesitate to get in contact. 

Privacy Notice – Google Forms

The following privacy notice applies to surveys and questionnaires which collect data using Google Forms. Purpose for processing Collecting feedback.

Personal information collected and lawful basis:

The IP address used to submit answers will be automatically collected but will not be used in any analysis of responses.

Who we may share your information with?

Google, as providers of Google Forms – the software used to manage this survey. Google’s privacy policy

explains how Google will collect, safeguard, and process your data on behalf of Warwick School -

Information you provide in any additional correspondence to our surveys and consultations, including personal information, may be disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations. If you want the information that you provide to be treated as confidential, including your contact details, please tell us why, but be aware that, under the under the legislation we cannot always guarantee confidentiality.

How long we will hold your information?

Warwick School will store the data securely and erase it within four years of the survey being completed.